Welcome to my kindom

welcome on board

Welcome to my kingdom to my old and new followers. I almost have 500 followers on this blog. I never imagined I would even get any. But I guess patience is a virtue for a blog like this. Some followers have disappeared but I got new ones instead. So thank you for finding my blog. It’s still for writing down my thoughts and share my experiences. Even it got .blog on the end of the link, blogging will still remain as a hobby.

I found a post from August 2013 about 5 things I can’t live without. I did post before that too though. I was only testing the ice so to speak. It was only after my mother died in 2013 that I started to blog more in 2014. It’s been good therapy. It was actually The Daily Post (RIP), Zero to Hero challenge that I learned more about blogging. The updating the site is over but there’s still great tips there for any blogger who starting out. Just a free tip 😉 I learned there a lot.

This post is going to be my 855th post and that is a lot. It would take forever to read all of them. I don’t even remember what I’ve written. I rather look at the present and the future. I’m probably gonna repeat many times about the same things and that’s not because I’m over 40 and my memory starts to go. It’s more about the information I have in my head. There so much it spills over. It’s amazing how human brains work. We’re all like walking computers. If you don’t use your brain it will get lazy. It seems some people use their brains even less because of the smartphones. Luckily I don’t have one and I won’t fall for that trend. Unless I really, really have to.

So welcome to my kingdom. It’s been a long run so far. I hope you all enjoyed my blog so far. I just wanted to thank you all for finding this blog. I really appreciate it. This what blogging is about, sharing and caring. Greetings from a hot Finland and it doesn’t seem to stop for a while. This place really needs a cold shower (rain) but that’s wishful thinking even if the forecast says it will come. It better or it will be too tiring to do anything. That includes writing a new post to this blog.


4 thoughts on “Welcome to my kindom

I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?

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