Repost: What is a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Made in Canva

What are you passionate about?

Daily Writing Prompt

Day 16. I’m not really passionate about anything. The word sounds like you’re mad and do crazy things. I prefer to call it things I like to do. I enjoy writing, but I wouldn’t call it passion. I like taking photographs, but I’m still not passionate about it. I can do without it. Recently I’ve taken photos with my mobile. I thought about becoming a professional photographer once, but then I realised it takes the fun out of photography. I wasn’t taking my camera everywhere like most photographers do. I could take photos if it was part of something, but I wouldn’t do it full-time. I like changes, so sticking to one thing would bore me.

Maybe my passion is watching movies. I saw my first movie when I was 3 years old. It was the 1937 animated version of Snow White. I still remember how scared I was when I saw the dark forest scene. I couldn’t watch any creepy stuff after that. I still can’t watch scary movies. The first time I saw Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the Ring, I looked away when the orcs were shown. I belonged to a movie club when I was 10, where they showed children’s movies. I went there with my mother. I’ve seen a lot of movies in the theatre and on TV. I always watch them until the end. I can’t understand why people are in a hurry to get out. I’ve paid for the ticket, so why not stay. I also own several DVDs and Blu-rays. I just never seem to have the time to watch them. I’ve seen them more than once, but I also have discs I still haven’t watched. I’ve also studied writing movie scripts. I have experience in movie making. We wrote a scene, and then we shot them. It was hard work but fun. It would be nice to volunteer for an actual project one day.

Another possible passion is music. I listen to it every day on Spotify. I also have the radio on from time to time. Music has helped me a lot. It’s very therapeutic. I listen to it no matter the mood I’m in. I like all kinds of music. It depends on what I feel that day. Music helped me get through my mother’s death. Sometimes I play an instrument. I own at least 3. I only use one, though. In 3rd grade, I played the recorder, but I didn’t like it. Only when I became an adult did I learn to play it. Another instrument I can play is the synthesiser with one hand. I took classes when I was 6, but I only went once. My parents were displeased because they had bought me the instrument and everything. I have played it after that, too, but now one key doesn’t work. Now it’s at home collecting dust. I also own a harmonica but can only play randomly by ear. Without music, life would be dull.

Passionate or liking things, it’s the same, it gives pleasure. That’s better than doing something you don’t like, right?

Originally posted on January 16, 2022

Last concert I went to

Pet shop boys on stage
Pet Shop Boys concert in Helsinki 2023

What was the last live performance you saw?

Daily Writing Prompt

In the year 2023, I went to two concerts. The first one was on March 5 with Robbie Williams. You can read it over here. The other was Pet Shop Boys on July 5. It was a lucky year when it came to concerts. The duo had been to Finland before and will return this year. But it’s a festival and I don’t do them. I prefer concerts. When I was younger, I didn’t participate in big crowds. I didn’t have money either. I have no one to go with, but I like doing things independently. I go to events to see bands and don’t socialise with others. The sound at concerts is loud, so it’s not the same as listening to music at home. But you don’t go to concerts to see something similar. You go for the atmosphere and see your favourites on stage.

Pet Shop Boys performed their old hits, such as It’s a Sin, West End Girls, and Rent. But they also had new songs, like Monkey Business. If you’re unfamiliar with their songs, you probably don’t know the new ones either. If you’re not, I suggest you do because their music is incredible. If you like pop music, that is. They have shown that you don’t need a lot of things happening on stage to have a great show. All they had was the band and a female singer. In their earlier concert that I have seen on screen, they had dancers on stage too, but now it’s simpler. I had a great time at the concert; I might go again if they return for a concert.

I have really become a fan of concerts. I’m going to see Bryan Adams in July. I’m looking forward to that. I’m a late bloomer when it comes to performances. My first concert was in 2017, and that was Robbie Williams. After that, I’ve seen Duran Duran, Toto, Robbie again, and Pet Shop Boys. I could have gone to two more, Elton John and Take That, but both got cancelled. Maybe they didn’t want to come because Finland is too close to Russia. Either way, it’s a shame I’ll never see them live again. Especially Take That. The last time they were here was in the 90s when my mother didn’t let me go and see them. Even then, there were only about 4500 people in the audience, so they weren’t that big over here, after all. At least I’ve seen Duran Duran, the band I didn’t want to miss to see live. It’s not the end of my world if I don’t see certain bands and artists’ performances. But if I didn’t see DD live, I would feel disappointed. I have ticked that box now, so life can go on.

An optimist jot something down

women writing in a book
Photo: Openverse

Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

Daily writing prompt

Sometimes, you don’t want to jot down anything special. You only want to write what comes to your mind—freewriting, if you like. You either do it with a timer, only write during the day, or have a break until you feel like writing something. There are times when I am an optimist, even if sometimes my posts can feel pessimistic. I prefer thinking positively; if I’m upset, it goes away as fast as it came. I don’t want to dwell on the past, but sometimes, old things come up. You can’t do anything about certain things, no matter how much you want to change the past. Life is about moving forward. Hopefully, you learn from your mistakes. If they are mistakes, that is. You should live for today anyway. That’s what I do. The future can be scary, but you must be an optimist to overcome your fears.

Laughter is the best medicine. I love watching old and new comedies, mostly old ones, because they were funny then. From the newer ones, I love Modern Family. I already watched the series once before. My favourite characters are Gloria and Cam. If you know the comedy show, you know who I’m talking about. I also watch comedy movies. Jim Carrey is my favourite funny man. Robin Williams was an old-time favourite. A shame he died, but his spirit still lives on. Laughing makes you feel better, too.

If you do things you like and others say you can’t, then it’s too bad for them. Life isn’t about doing things you don’t like. Everything made me feel bored, which is why I didn’t find what I wanted to be when I grew up. When I finally do, I don’t get to do them. How can I get better at it if I can’t do what I want to do? I wouldn’t have gotten better at English if I hadn’t written in English. I learned English in 5th grade and have significantly improved since then. The same should be done with other stuff, but no luck. I should make up projects on my own. But I’m too lazy to make them up. Or I have no imagination when it comes to that. My imagination is wider when it comes to writing make-up stories. But not to make up a project that could work in reality.

I’ve been thinking about buying a car, but how can I sell my dad’s car, which has at least five faults? I’ve been in a car shop with my dad, so that’s not a problem. But how do they sell cars to women? I’ve heard stories. I don’t know how much it costs to fix the old car. It’s still in my dad’s name. So much to do. My dad isn’t even buried yet. There was a funeral, but his ashes are still not in the ground. Argh, so much to think about. Everything goes so slowly when I have to do it all alone. But maybe it only feels forever when things don’t move along. I only need to be an optimist, and things will get done.

Now I’m hungry, so thank you for reading. Have a nice weekend.