It’s only a fantasy

it was all a dream neon text
Photo by Nadi Lindsay on

It’s only a fantasy

It’s only a fantasy

To think things are easy

But people make things hard

It’s only a fantasy to think things will get better

You should not plan a thing

It’s only a fantasy to dream

Your day is spoilt when things don’t go your way

It’s only a fantasy, but you keep going anyway

Not every day is bad

It’s not a fantasy when your dreams do come reality

Reaching its peaks

mountain peaks
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Reaching its peaks

When is it time to say it’s enough

Doing things you don’t want, but yet you must

Life is about your own choices

No one else can tell you what

Reaching its peaks might be now

Happy you are not if you are forced

They take things away if you don’t obey

You pretend to be interested, but you fake it

Only to keep things safe

Reaching its peaks is hard, but you will be strong

You will take a chance when you pick up the courage

Years have gone by, but things are still the same

Take your manners into your own hands, and you will be free

Job search is demanding, and I have reached my peaks

Rare compliment

rare compliment
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What was the best compliment you’ve received?

Daily Prompt

It’s World Poetry Day today, so I wrote a poem.


Rare compliment

It takes a lot to get a compliment from people

Whatever I do, they are silent

I don’t wait for one

I’m not trying to embiggen the problem

Even a rare compliment would be nice

I don’t care though

I function without one

Rare compliment I get, but I take it