Only the missing part is left

puzzle with a pink piece
Photo by Ann H on

Tomorrow Friday, it’s the day when I get another diploma. The piece of the missing part is left. This time it’s filmmaking at Helsinki Design School. What else can I do when I have a lot of time on my hands? No more early mornings. I had to get up at 4.30 am to catch the train or bus to Helsinki, but only twice a month. The school has been exciting and fun. I never thought working in a group would be nice. Today we had about making music videos, and we also made one. My group did our own video in total, and the groups only did a little. The outcome of the group projects was great results.

A few photos of my group.

The education has been a great experience. I won’t keep in touch with my classmates, though. But it was nice to meet friendly people like them. They are talented too. This was my 3rd time at Helsinki Design School, and it’s been excellent every time. I won’t experience the same kind of things I have and won’t have the get to the same place anywhere else. I think this is the last time I will go to this school. I’ve already taken all the courses they provide. It’s time to do something else.

This forest is quiet

Forest in Eurajoki, Finland, 2016

I hadn’t realised I hadn’t written this blog in July at all. I have been busy. This forest has been quiet lately. The blog forest that is. My dad decided to quit his business altogether, and I helped him to tidy up the business premises. It’s been a lot of work and dirty. He was a goldsmith. He had the business for over 30 years, so there was a lot of stuff. We have someone to help to clean up the place.

This post is a reminder that I still blog. It has only been quiet lately. The month has gone so fast. This month, weather-wise, hasn’t been too hot over here. I’m glad I don’t live where the forest fires are right now. It’s just terrible over there. It is better to be outside than inside here, so I sit on the balcony or go out in the park. I have a puncture on both bikes, so I haven’t been able to go on bike trips. I haven’t had the time to go and fix them yet. I hope I have the time next week. I have quite missed the cycling thing. It’s good exercise, and you see the scenery much better than from a car.

The filmmaking course is over soon. We have two more meetings in Helsinki in August, and I have another diploma in my hand. It might not mean much, but I’ve studied something I’m interested in, and that is what counts. I wouldn’t get to be taught by professional moviemakers anywhere else. I also got to experience how things work in a TV and movie studio. Or how actors do things in a scene. I already knew about some things, but a repeat is not bad. I also got to meet new people and got to work in a team. Filmmaking is a lot about that. We had a lot of fun too.

This forest of this blog post is quiet again. Thank you for stopping by.

Bugbear of today

elephant toy at a window
Nori watching the rain. Photo: Mine

Bugbear is both a cute and funny word. It’s a bear that is bugging something. In this case, it’s an elephant that my dad won at a funfair. There are two things that bug me, and those are as follows.

Job search

I had to go to an event where different companies were introducing themselves. I think these events are unnecessary because they don’t have the line of work you’re looking for. Some unemployed don’t need to go, which is a bit unfair. But I went, and I didn’t get into trouble.

And another bugbear is.


I’m going to Tampere to see Robbie Williams in concert on Sunday. Then next week to Helsinki. But now there are strike threats for buses and trains. It’s selfish to have strikes because many people will suffer from them. Everybody doesn’t have a car. Even if they do, the parking isn’t cheap. The bus strike can start tomorrow and end on Friday next week. I have both train and bus tickets. If the strikes will come, the only solution is to drive there. I have never driven alone and long distances. I hope those strikes won’t come. It’s so much easier to travel by public transport. Especially when you need to travel early in the morning. I hope at least one of the transports won’t go on strike. If both go, there will be trouble. Let’s hope and pray it will be solved soon.