Repost: What is a cause you’re passionate about and why?

Made in Canva

What are you passionate about?

Daily Writing Prompt

Day 16. I’m not really passionate about anything. The word sounds like you’re mad and do crazy things. I prefer to call it things I like to do. I enjoy writing, but I wouldn’t call it passion. I like taking photographs, but I’m still not passionate about it. I can do without it. Recently I’ve taken photos with my mobile. I thought about becoming a professional photographer once, but then I realised it takes the fun out of photography. I wasn’t taking my camera everywhere like most photographers do. I could take photos if it was part of something, but I wouldn’t do it full-time. I like changes, so sticking to one thing would bore me.

Maybe my passion is watching movies. I saw my first movie when I was 3 years old. It was the 1937 animated version of Snow White. I still remember how scared I was when I saw the dark forest scene. I couldn’t watch any creepy stuff after that. I still can’t watch scary movies. The first time I saw Lord of the Rings- Fellowship of the Ring, I looked away when the orcs were shown. I belonged to a movie club when I was 10, where they showed children’s movies. I went there with my mother. I’ve seen a lot of movies in the theatre and on TV. I always watch them until the end. I can’t understand why people are in a hurry to get out. I’ve paid for the ticket, so why not stay. I also own several DVDs and Blu-rays. I just never seem to have the time to watch them. I’ve seen them more than once, but I also have discs I still haven’t watched. I’ve also studied writing movie scripts. I have experience in movie making. We wrote a scene, and then we shot them. It was hard work but fun. It would be nice to volunteer for an actual project one day.

Another possible passion is music. I listen to it every day on Spotify. I also have the radio on from time to time. Music has helped me a lot. It’s very therapeutic. I listen to it no matter the mood I’m in. I like all kinds of music. It depends on what I feel that day. Music helped me get through my mother’s death. Sometimes I play an instrument. I own at least 3. I only use one, though. In 3rd grade, I played the recorder, but I didn’t like it. Only when I became an adult did I learn to play it. Another instrument I can play is the synthesiser with one hand. I took classes when I was 6, but I only went once. My parents were displeased because they had bought me the instrument and everything. I have played it after that, too, but now one key doesn’t work. Now it’s at home collecting dust. I also own a harmonica but can only play randomly by ear. Without music, life would be dull.

Passionate or liking things, it’s the same, it gives pleasure. That’s better than doing something you don’t like, right?

Originally posted on January 16, 2022

Bloganuary: “I don’t whine” – Daphne Moon

green mailbox on brickwall
Made in Canva

What do you complain about the most?

Bloganuary 2024

Nothing in life is perfect. You can complain all day long about the small things, but some things you can’t do anything about. I try not to complain online. You can be alienated by other people if that’s all you do. When I complain, it’s about hot weather. I hate it, and I don’t miss it at all. Maybe it’s the hot weather I complain about the most. Weather is something you can’t change, but we still complain about it.

This is not a complaint, but sometimes it feels like other people alienate me on social media. No matter what I post, it’s like talking to a wall. I might get a few likes, but comments are rare or never seen. It feels like there is no point in wasting time by posting anything. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Maybe my photos aren’t good enough. It’s not uplifting to post on social media when you never know if people even see my posts. But in the end, I won’t stop posting. I do it for myself. I wonder if people who follow me don’t even read or see my posts. Maybe they only collect followers and don’t interact. They’re called a lurker. They only follow and don’t do anything else. With my luck, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I feel I’m getting alienated from getting a job, too. Maybe I’m in the wrong occupation. Maybe I could get one if I was in health care or being a cleaner. But I can’t do those jobs. I’ve been away from working far too long, so no one wants to hire me. I don’t even know if I want to work with anybody anyway. Only time will tell how things will go in the future. It’s my life, and I complain if I want to. It will make me feel a little better.

Bands that I love more than life itself

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I love music, and I listen to different kinds of music. I don’t like some music styles, but there are only a few. This post is about bands that I love more than life itself. They are bands I’ve listened to for decades. They are bands that no one can compare with today’s bands. I don’t follow the music scene as I used to when I was younger. If someone asked me about bands that young people listen to now, I wouldn’t know. I’m too busy listening to bands I already like. They still make music and perform for people. These bands are not in order. Let’s get started.


They are a boyband from Manchester, England. Members were/are called Gary Barlow, Mark Owen, Howard Donald, Jason Orange and Robbie Williams. You can’t longer call Take That a boyband since they are over 50. They were formed in 1989, but it was in 1992 when they released their debut album ‘Take That and Party’. They were most popular in the 1990s, mainly in Europe. I’ve liked them since 1992 when I saw an interview with them on cable. Their humour was one of the reasons why I took notice. They were a big part of my teenage years. Without Take That, life would have been empty. Also, the solo artist Robbie Williams wouldn’t be there without them. The band split up in 1996 but returned in 2005 as a four-piece. They are a trio today, and their new album ‘This life’ will be out on November 24, 2023. They still sound great. They’ve been to Finland twice, but that was 29 years ago. Their concert here this year was cancelled, which is a shame because I was looking forward to that. They’re going on tour next year but won’t come here. Their most famous song is ‘Back for Good’. It’s a single they released in the USA, but they didn’t get the big break over there. They’ve sold millions of albums and sold out concerts in the UK, so it doesn’t matter. They have so many good songs that I don’t know which is my number one favourite. It could be ‘Pray’ or songs that weren’t released as singles.


Now, this is a band that I’ve seen live. It took them 40 years, but it was worth it. It’s already over a year ago since I saw them in concert. You can read about it over here. Since I saw the video of ‘The Reflex’, I wanted to see them live. They’re a band that was formed in Birmingham, England in 1978. There were 5 members: Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes, Andy Taylor, Roger Taylor and John Taylor (no relations). They’ve changed the number of band members over the years, but Simon Le Bon and Nick Rhodes have remained the same. I don’t know when I heard their music for the first time, but it must have been in the late 1980s. I remember my mother taped music from the radio and ‘A View to a Kill’ on that tape. It’s a James Bond tune, one of the few Bond songs that became number 1 in the US music charts. The song and video that could have been the first one I saw of them was ‘Rio’. It was released in 1982. Either way, it was in 2010 that I became a fan. Before that, they were a band that I liked and nothing else. I own all their albums except one because I didn’t find it anywhere. Their next album is called ‘Danse Macabre’ and is released on September 27, 2023. It’s their 16th studio album. I can’t wait for it. The most popular song of the band is ‘Ordinary World’. It’s been covered a few times by different artists. One of them is Adam Lambert, and that version is excellent. My all-time favourite song of Duran Duran is ‘Save a Prayer’. I have many others too because they have so many great songs, so choosing one is tricky.


They’re a duo from London, but you can still call them a band. The members, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe, started in 1981. Their music style is synth-pop. I saw them live this summer and loved every minute. I don’t remember when I heard their music for the first time. It must also been in the 1980s. The song could have been ‘It’s a Sin’ or ‘West End Girls’. Their videos were shown on MTV and other cable channels, so it could have been anything. Still, they make great music after all these years, and their older songs sound like they were made yesterday. My all-time favourite Pet Shop Boys song is ‘Heart’. FYI, the legendary actor Sir Ian McKellen appears as a vampire in the video. It’s an excellent video. The band have fantastic videos. YouTube is a great place to find them. PSB is also making and mixing songs for other artists. There will be a new album from them, but there is no release date yet. It will be their 15th album. Their talent will never die.


The American rock band was formed in 1986 in New Jersey, USA. One of my classmates was a big fan of this band. She even had her hair a bit like Jon Bon Jovi. I also liked this band, but I didn’t become a fan. The band is one of my favourites, and that’s it. I don’t remember when I heard their songs the first time. Maybe it was ‘You gave love a bad name’. That’s one of my favourite songs of the band. ‘Living on a Prayer’ was the first video I saw of them. It was during the time when their album ‘New Jersey’ came out in 1988; that’s what I remember. The first album I got was ‘Keep the Faith’ when my friend made a copy of it. It doesn’t have the whole album because the tape ended. I liked the band already before that. Another album I got is ‘This House Is Not for Sale’, released in 2018. I’ve listened to the band on Spotify. They’ve often been to Finland for concerts, but I have never been able to go. Maybe I would if they came on tour over here. The drummer, Tico Torres, said in an interview that the band will record a new album in 2024. I will be looking forward to that. I hope it will come true.

I also like many other bands, but those are my favourites. To mention a few, Queen, The Rasmus(Finnish band), Aerosmith, Green Day, The Beatles, Toto (I saw them in concert a couple years ago) and Roxette. There are many more, but that list would be too long to post. I don’t like or care about some bands, but I only want to concentrate on the ones I like.