It’s only a fantasy

it was all a dream neon text
Photo by Nadi Lindsay on

It’s only a fantasy

It’s only a fantasy

To think things are easy

But people make things hard

It’s only a fantasy to think things will get better

You should not plan a thing

It’s only a fantasy to dream

Your day is spoilt when things don’t go your way

It’s only a fantasy, but you keep going anyway

Not every day is bad

It’s not a fantasy when your dreams do come reality

Bloganuary: Dream job in a tangled web

sleeping person with book on face
Photo by Keira Burton on

What’s your dream job?

Bloganuary 2024

Wouldn’t it be great if you got paid for sleeping? That would be a dream job for me. But getting back to reality. My dream job is in a tangled web. I like to do many things, which was difficult when I decided what kind of job I wanted. I always wanted to do something creative and something that wasn’t a regular job. I’ve studied this and that, but I had no luck when it came to getting job experience. They’ve mostly been short internships, but employers don’t appreciate them. I’ve never been a go-getter, so maybe I haven’t gotten anywhere because of that. I’ve had dream jobs, but they’ve changed through the years. Perhaps I’ve been naïve for thinking someone would give me a job after my different studies.

When I was 6, I wanted to become a baker because I liked to help Mum in the kitchen. But then I realised you need to get up early in the morning. I’m not a morning person. Once, as a kid, I wanted to own a candy/sweet shop because I thought I could eat them as much as I wanted. But of course, you can’t. It was only something I thought about. Some people know since they are kids what occupation they want and work for it to reach their goals. For some, it can change through the years. Maybe I’ve looked for something that doesn’t exist. When I finally knew what I wanted to do, I didn’t even get an internship to get field experience. Some employers I’ve sent applications to don’t even get in touch. Job search, in general, is a tangled web, and it’s mentally draining trying to impress people. Then you don’t even get a thank you note.

A dream job would be something where you can control what you do. You can work whenever you feel like it, and you would get paid enough so you wouldn’t need to worry about your financials. No one wants to admit they want a well-paid job without struggling to succeed. But you should also love what you do, regardless of your salary. I couldn’t do a job if I didn’t like doing it. I don’t want to be rich. I only want a job that I’m excited about. I’ve been in enough workplaces I didn’t want to be in. Life should be about what you enjoy and not what others want you to do. Money is nice, but it shouldn’t be the only motivation.

Jobs to do for day

hustle and bust words etc.
Photo by mali maeder on
Daily writing prompt
What’s a job you would like to do for just one day?

Words that came up when I thought about what I wanted to be were; pro photographer. Especially a Formula One photographer. I was a big fan of it for about 13 years. My interests have changed since then. I realised it would take years to become a pro. I didn’t want to wait that long. If there is a job I would like to be for one day, it would be a Formula One photographer. Doing sports photography isn’t easy, though. They are fast and trying to capture it; you must know how to photograph them, and I don’t.

Another job I would like to try for one day is to be on a movie set. I wouldn’t mind what job it would be. I would like to try several ones. It would be nice to follow personal assistant to actors. I wouldn’t want to do the job except if it is to keep the company of an actor or actress. But I don’t think there is a job like that. I study filmmaking, but it won’t get me a career in the movie industry. But it’s an exciting subject, which is why I am learning it.

It would be nice to try to be something I have studied for, but getting job experience in the graphic design field is under a rock. I would do it full-time and not only for a day. I guess I must live in a dream world because reality doesn’t want me to be in it.