Three reasons why I don’t apply for a job

Photo: Pexels

It’s so easy to mock the unemployed. ’Get a job’, they say. OK, do you have one for me? No? I thought not. You just can’t go to a workplace and ask. It doesn’t work like that anymore. You need to apply and be the right person. There is so much more you need to do. They won’t hire just anybody. These people who complain about people who don’t have a job have no lamp in their minds to find a solution to a problem. I made a list of reasons why I don’t apply for a job.

1 . I have some of the qualifications, but I know they won’t hire me, so I won’t use my time and energy

People say you should still apply, but I see no point in using my time to write applications when I know I won’t even get an interview. There is always someone with more experience than I have anyway. I rather do something else than stress about writing cover letters etc. I’m not very good at writing them. My portfolio is not that good either. I have not much to offer for employers. They take people with job experience and youth. All I have in my resume are internships. I haven’t been paid a salary. Only once, and that was last year when I worked as a media assistant.

2 . There are no suitable jobs to apply to

This is probably the biggest problem, to find a job to apply to. Sure there are a lot of jobs out there, but they’re never suitable for my skills and educations. They say you should apply for a job that you don’t necessarily need an education for. Yes, but doesn’t it take away from a person who does have it? Besides, I already tried that approach, but I didn’t get any. I’ve applied for rental work, but it was pointless to apply. It was a storage worker job. Not getting a job is not about being picky. It’s about having good luck to get one. When there is a job to apply for, I don’t have the skills and experience they need.

3 . I won’t apply for the job because it’s in another city

Most jobs are in another town. You can’t just leave like that. You need to find a place to live. Travelling from home to work every day isn’t much fun. It doesn’t suit me either. Remote jobs would be better, but there isn’t many of those. Even if I have a driver’s license now, I’m not into driving long distances. You shouldn’t have to move to another city just to get a job.

There might be other reasons why I don’t apply for a job. But the reason is not health issues. I’m a healthy person and have no problems with working. Just because I haven’t had a job for a while, it doesn’t mean I’m not capable of working. Some people can’t work, but they’re still forced to find a job. Complainers should think twice before mocking the unemployed. Not everyone is the same. Most people do want a job, but they’re not blessed with one. It’s easy to judge others when your own life is complete, and you don’t have to worry about job search. But anyone can lose their jobs, so never say never. You need to experience unemployment to know what it’s really like. There have always been people who think they have a solution to a problem and think their advice is helpful. They don’t see they’re part of the problem.

Nothing is written in stone

cobblestone heart
Cobblestone street in Turku, Finland 2018 ©Mia Salminen

Nothing in life is written in stone. Things don’t go the way you planned. You are allowed to change your mind. Things that you wanted in the past doesn’t mean you want them today. Nothing last forever. Life is about learning things and moving on. If you don’t grow as a person and get stuck in the past, you don’t want to give the future a chance. The world changes too, so you can’t dwell in the past and do the same things you always have. Learning something new keeps your mind clearer. For example, if you have got your driver’s license, it doesn’t mean you can drive perfectly. You always learn something new. Like for me yesterday when I noticed I didn’t have the car lights on. I thought they went on automatically, but the car is older, so you must put them on yourself. An oops moment there. No wonder I didn’t see that clearly. You learn from your mistakes. If you learn from the first time or fifth time. The main thing is that you learn. The only thing that is written in stone is death. No one will survive from it and tell the tale.

The world is full of lies. It’s up to you if you believe them or not. One of the lies is about education. If you study this, you have to do it for the rest of your life. But that is not the case. You can study one thing, but then you realize that’s not what you want to do. It’s not written in stone what you want to become. Knowing many different things doesn’t do anyone any harm. Many people have changed occupations several times during their lives. They might have suffered from health issues, or their interest has changed. If they get a job in their new occupation, is a different matter. That is not written in stone either.

Nothing in life is written in stone. You can’t promise to love someone forever. The band you loved when you were a teen doesn’t necessarily mean the same to you anymore. The same goes with friends in school. You can’t be friends with your best friend forever. Well, you can, but that’s rare. You meet new people, and new things happen. Your feelings change. We are all human, and we have different ways to do things. One day you can love a certain food, and the next you don’t like it anymore. We should respect each other and not write everything in stone. We have the right to change views and interests. If we do everything we have always done, nothing will change. You don’t need to follow traditions all the time. Sometimes you need to do different things. Life would be dull if we didn’t leave our comfort zones once in a while. That should be written in stone.

Say action

Photo by cottonbro on

Today’s Ragtag came quite late today, so I’ll make this post a short one.

Say action

Say action but then you fail
You can’t take action because you know you fail
Failing is not an option when you get older
Waiting is for young people
I want to take action but I don’t dare
I rather stay in the dark than try
Take action they say
Walk a mile in my shoes, then you know why I don’t