The dread of teamwork

game tokens with one apart
Photo: Pexels Free Photos

There are two things I dislike the most. One is job search, and the other is working in a team. I dreaded teamwork in school. Pupils shouldn’t be allowed to choose their teams. It’s always the friends that get picked, and that’s not real life. You can’t decide in a workplace who to work with. When you’re a child, you need to learn that you have to work with people who aren’t your friend. No matter how they look like or what kind of people they are. No one should be left out of a team. That’s what a team should be, accepting differences.

Everyone who has looked for a job knows what the employers are looking for. They want someone who can work in a team. I can work in one, but I rather do things alone. I never know what to say in teamwork. My mind goes blank. I don’t know what’s worse. Teamwork or working in pairs. I have had bad experiences with both. In a team, there are other people to please. With one person, you must be the one who starts the conversation. You should never put two quiet persons to do work in pairs unless they know each other. I had to once, and nothing came out of the work. In those situations, I rather do assignments alone. Then I can choose and do what I like.

You would think adults would have grown out of choosing their friends for their team. In some of the schools I’ve been to as an adult has had the same problem. The teachers let the students choose their teams, and of course, they take their friends to their teams. If you don’t have anyone who even wants to talk to you, teamwork is awful. You would expect when you’re in primary school (elementary school) things like that would happen, but not in adult educations. I have had some good teamwork too, but when having bad experiences, I’m not very crazy about it. I don’t mind working in a team as long as you’re not treated as an outcast. You might not be the one with the ideas, but still, you should feel you’re part of the team. Teamwork shouldn’t be something you dread because that’s a skill you need. Some things you can’t do alone. You can, but it makes the work harder. I hope one day my bad experiences will fade from having more good ones. Maybe then my dread of teamwork will go away.

A spangle or minimal theme

Made in Canva. Photo: ©️Mia Salminen

I have thought about changing the theme on this blog for a while. I haven’t found anything that suited my blog. I didn’t want a complicated layout. After looking for a new theme that wouldn’t mess up my blog, look wise. I finally found one. It’s called Penscratch 2. If I had to choose between a spangle or a minimal layout, I would choose the latter. I wanted a design that had two columns and that I would still have the same widgets.

There are so many themes to choose from, so it’s hard to know what suits your blog the best. A spangle is not always the best if you want to keep it simple. I think this theme I have is the best. It’s easy to manage, so I’ll keep it for some time.