Bloganuary: My favourite author

old typewriter
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

I grew up reading books from author Astrid Lindgren. I even did a presentation of her in school once. Books like Ronia the Robber’s Daughter and Pippi Longstocking. The swedish versions. But I have always loved movie versions better. I loved Ronia the Robber’s Daughter. I haven’t actually read the book, our teacher read it out loud in class. The same with Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I also love The Brothers Lionheart, the movie. That proves why Lord of the rings and The Hobbit movies are my thing. I think my mother read Mio, My Son to me but I don’t really remember the story. Moomin was also a part of my childhood. I’ve read children’s books when I was in school. But I’m always been a lazy book reader. I prefer movie versions. I haven’t even finished Lord of the rings. I’ve tried (twice) but it just isn’t for me. I did manage to read The Hobbit a few years ago though. But that was much easier to read. I prefer reading biographies, nonfiction and books about a movies. Thick books with small fonts are a major turn off.

Quote from an old post of mine about writing reflections

Besides Astrid Lindgren, my favourite author is J.R.R Tolkien. He was more than an author. He made a different world. It’s incredible how he could make up his own language. But then again, he was a professor. He took inspiration even from Finnish literature. His books are difficult to read, though. I’ve only read The Hobbit. I’m a child at heart, so books like that are easy on the eyes, so to speak.

Bloganuary: No book has changed my life

open book
©Mia Salminen 2015

As I said in yesterday’s post, I’m not a book reader. The last book I read was about an entrepreneur last year. I’ve read biographies and books about photography. But they haven’t changed my life. They might have filled my life with something I’m interested in, but that’s about it. The same goes for entertainment. If books had changed my life, it wouldn’t be the way it is.

I have never met anyone who has changed my life. I’ve only lost people to death. That’s the only time my life changed. I don’t think any book will change my life anyway. I see books as something you read for fun. An escape from the real world or something you want to know about. Having knowledge is a good thing. Maybe books have changed someone’s life, but that’s not for me to say.