Divide and conquer is still happening in Taiji

dunes and text

There are people who try to control other people. They put you down and try to make you feel like a failed human being. These people have no respect for others. Divine and conquer is their priority. The same goes with the dolphin hunters in Taiji, Japan. It seems that their goal is to kill all the dolphins in the sea so they become extinct. A total devastation and all because of greed. This “culture” is old-fashioned and should be banned for life. These mammals belongs to the sea. Their job is not entertaining people. They are not supposed to be taught tricks and live in small tanks. All sea worlds and dolphinariums should be shut down. Swimming with dolphins is also a bad idea. They’re sensitive and they’re not happy being captured. Dolphins are very smart and social animals so they belong to their own kind where they can be free. Humans are the most cruel creatures in the world and just because we’re on top of the food chain, we think we can control the world.
I’ve also been guilty of going to a show when I was a kid when there was one here in Finland. It got closed down last year and the dolphins moved to another place. They were taken from the ocean in Gulf of Mexico in 1984. They were the same species as the ones in Taiji, bottlenose dolphins. If I was a kid now, I would totally be against it. Some peoples attitudes have changed but there’s always someone who doesn’t know or care.

What they are doing to the dolphins in Taiji, is hunting them to the cove and literally tiring them down. There’s a lot of juveniles in the pod, fighting for their lives. This is not acceptable. The hunting season is too long. I can’t believe someone would want to do such job in the first place. As long as people accept this and buy tickets to the shows, it will continue. If dolphins were dangerous and there were too many of them, it could be more accepting but even then it would be wrong. They almost like humans and they feel like we do. Dolphins who lives in captivity doesn’t live as long as the ones in the wild. Stress kills them. They should eat fresh fish and not dead ones like they do in marine parks and such. They’re also hunted for food. I can’t understand that. The meat is unhealthy and contains a lot of mercury. The reason wild animals can injure humans is when they’re being threaten. You would too if someone attacked you. But these dolphins haven’t hurt any humans and yet they’re been hunted like they have.

Dolphins are not the only wild animals, humans try to destroy though. Take elephants for example. Another animal with a smart brain. Humans hunt them to make a profit. It’s an evil circle where people only want to make a big buck without even thinking about the consequences. At this rate, there will be less dolphins in the sea and in the world. You think you can’t do anything about this problem but you can. Don’t go to SeaWorld or marine parks. Join an organisation like Sea Shepard or donate money to charities. You can also become a volunteer. Spreading awareness is the way to go. You can follow the happenings in Taiji through Cove Guardians Twitter and/or Facebook. Beware there can be photos and videos that can shock sensitive persons. But it will also make you think. If you don’t want to join then at least care at least a little what’s going on.

Stop Killing Dolphins in Taiji

Source: http://www.theguardian.com/science/2010/feb/19/dolphins-humans-diabetes

Let’s get serious. I loved dolphins since I was a child. It hurts me too see them being killed in Taiji, Japan. I follow the Sea Shepherd Cove Guardians on Facebook. They keep us updated everyday about what these killers are doing. What’s even worse, they can’t do anything but watch them kill innocent dolphins. At this rate all dolphins will all become extinct. The hunting season ends in March. The reason they kill these animals are greed and selfishness. They done the killing for centuries and they will keep doing so as long as nobody interferes.

They’re not only killing them but they also take them captive and dump the juveniles back to the sea where they probably will be eaten by other animals. The killers choose which one’s to sell to marine parks, zoo’s and “swimming with the dolphins”programs. Rest they brutally slaughter and sell their meat to restaurants. If the dolphins are injured, they dump them back to the killing cove. This senseless killing goes on everyday. They have the dolphins captive for days without food. They split the families in two and make them suffer. These killers have no heart whatsoever. All they care about is killing innocent dolphins so they can live a fulfilled life.

Dolphins are close to humans. They’re smart and family orientated. They belong to the ocean and not for human entertainment. As long as people go to marine parks and such, the killing will continue. A lot of people doesn’t know the truth behind the way how these dolphins end up in these places.

I usually don’t wish bad luck to people but when it comes to Taiji killers, I hope God will punish them with something horrible. Like a hurricane or tsunami. No animal deserve to be terrorized by humans. This animal cruelty must stop. And before anyone says, “it’s always been like that” That is no excuse. There are ways to change things. We should not settle with “it’s always been like that” It’s like giving up hope. If there’s a will, there’s a way.

(Daily Prompt: Image Search)