Bloganuary: My favourite author

old typewriter
Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on

I grew up reading books from author Astrid Lindgren. I even did a presentation of her in school once. Books like Ronia the Robber’s Daughter and Pippi Longstocking. The swedish versions. But I have always loved movie versions better. I loved Ronia the Robber’s Daughter. I haven’t actually read the book, our teacher read it out loud in class. The same with Narnia:The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. I also love The Brothers Lionheart, the movie. That proves why Lord of the rings and The Hobbit movies are my thing. I think my mother read Mio, My Son to me but I don’t really remember the story. Moomin was also a part of my childhood. I’ve read children’s books when I was in school. But I’m always been a lazy book reader. I prefer movie versions. I haven’t even finished Lord of the rings. I’ve tried (twice) but it just isn’t for me. I did manage to read The Hobbit a few years ago though. But that was much easier to read. I prefer reading biographies, nonfiction and books about a movies. Thick books with small fonts are a major turn off.

Quote from an old post of mine about writing reflections

Besides Astrid Lindgren, my favourite author is J.R.R Tolkien. He was more than an author. He made a different world. It’s incredible how he could make up his own language. But then again, he was a professor. He took inspiration even from Finnish literature. His books are difficult to read, though. I’ve only read The Hobbit. I’m a child at heart, so books like that are easy on the eyes, so to speak.