What is that scent?

rosesWhen I think about scent, I think about something that smells good. My favorite scent is salty liquorice a.k.a. salmiakki, a.k.a. Finnish candy/sweets. Opening a bag of it and smell it, is one of the best things I know. Who can resist a good scent. When you say smell, it sound like something horrible. Cigarettes for example is a smell, not a scent. Instead of asking, “What’s that smell?” it should be “What’s that scent?” Of course you can’t say that about something that smells awful. Not all are good scents. If someone wears perfume too much even if it smells good, it can still be awful. I can’t be close to a person who scent is too strong. I can’t even walk pass a perfume stand without feeling a tickle in my nose. The same goes with scented candles. I can’t be near them without feeling like I’m choking.

Too much is too much. People should really think about those who are allergic. If you want to smell better, how about taking a shower. Especially men who wear aftershave. A clean one smells much better than someone who wears fragrances. If you really need to use them, it should be something that doesn’t smell. Besides a lot of those perfumes are tested on animals so that’s another reason why you shouldn’t use any. The best scent of the world should be called ‘Clean’ I wonder when they’re starting to develop a fragrance like that. If you want to smell something, smell clean. Most of the fragrances smell awful anyway. If you’ve seen those ‘Axe’ commercials where a man wears it and all females goes wild, that’s all fake. It doesn’t smell anything divine and I would even get near a man who use it. The same with Calvin Kleins ‘CK’ It smells like rotten oranges or lemons. You won’t get a date by wearing celebrities or designer fragrances. It’s the person you are that makes you interesting.

Another scent I like is freshly cut grass. That’s a lot of people’s favorite. It’s a sign of summer. Walking on the grass is so soft. When it has just been cut, the scent reaches your nostrils and you feel like you’ve been born again. I can’t wait for the spring to come and the grass to grow. If I lost one sense, I hope it wouldn’t be the sense of smell. Even if there are bad smells, a scent of summer and spring doesn’t compare to anything.


Untitl dot dot,won’t be bothered


This was 2 years ago today. I really didn’t get anything special from the photography course. Learned something new and it made me realize photography is not the only thing I want to do. The time will never be replaced. What done is done. No can do and all that.

In my world

If I got something for free, it would be strength to do things. I’m so lazy. Even writing this post, is blah. And where is the The Daily Post Writing Challenge? That was fun to do. It’s the end of January and still nothing.

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