Bloganuary: “I don’t whine” – Daphne Moon

green mailbox on brickwall
Made in Canva

What do you complain about the most?

Bloganuary 2024

Nothing in life is perfect. You can complain all day long about the small things, but some things you can’t do anything about. I try not to complain online. You can be alienated by other people if that’s all you do. When I complain, it’s about hot weather. I hate it, and I don’t miss it at all. Maybe it’s the hot weather I complain about the most. Weather is something you can’t change, but we still complain about it.

This is not a complaint, but sometimes it feels like other people alienate me on social media. No matter what I post, it’s like talking to a wall. I might get a few likes, but comments are rare or never seen. It feels like there is no point in wasting time by posting anything. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Maybe my photos aren’t good enough. It’s not uplifting to post on social media when you never know if people even see my posts. But in the end, I won’t stop posting. I do it for myself. I wonder if people who follow me don’t even read or see my posts. Maybe they only collect followers and don’t interact. They’re called a lurker. They only follow and don’t do anything else. With my luck, I wouldn’t be surprised.

I feel I’m getting alienated from getting a job, too. Maybe I’m in the wrong occupation. Maybe I could get one if I was in health care or being a cleaner. But I can’t do those jobs. I’ve been away from working far too long, so no one wants to hire me. I don’t even know if I want to work with anybody anyway. Only time will tell how things will go in the future. It’s my life, and I complain if I want to. It will make me feel a little better.

I know you're there. Why do you linger in the shadows?

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