You have no vision

visionThat’s what I think when I see what kind of TV shows or movies people watch. Some people have no vision. In my opinion that is. What most people watch are things I don’t care about. Especially people I follow on social media. When they talk about movies they’ve seen or TV shows they’re watching, I just get bored. I feel I have nothing in common with them. I won’t stop following them though. They can watch what they like. I’m not criticising other people tastes. I’m sure they don’t really care what I watch either. I’m just saying, I don’t think they have the same kind of vision I have. I don’t mean my vision is better, it’s just different.

I don’t understand the hype over certain blockbuster movies that out there right now or in the past. I just haven’t been interesting in them. For example, I never cared about the Harry Potter movies. I never even wanted to read the books. I don’t read books but if I did, I still wouldn’t. Every time I see or hear about Potter, I just roll my eyes.
Marvel movies like Avangers, Iron Man, Spider-man and Captain America. I’m just not interested no matter how many recommendations there is. The only Marvel movie I’ve cared about was Guardians of the Galaxy because it was fun and Lee Pace was in it. I might see Doctor Strange but that’s only because of Benedict Cumberbatch. I’m not even sorry for being interested in a movie because one of my favorite actors is in it. That’s usually not my motive to be interested in a movie.
X-men and Fast and the furious. Hello how many movies are there gonna be?! Soon they’re coming out of our ears. Enough is enough. Doesn’t Hollywood have any other visions?! Just saying.

Again I’m not criticising what people watch but TV shows that are popular among other people are those I don’t care about. I never liked unnatural things (a.k.a. creepy stuff) so shows like Supernatural, The Walking Dead, American Horror story and shows like that are not my cup of tea. Even people talking about them bores me. In Tumblr especially.
What’s even worse are movies becoming TV shows. Have they run out of ideas or what?! Then there are making new versions of old shows. When they made a new Knight Rider, I knew it wouldn’t last. Now they’re planning a new MacGyver. They are spoiling the past of my childhood. You can’t remake classics. It will never be the same. There are different actors therefore it won’t make it better. Maybe it’s cheaper to make remakes instead of new ones or just laziness. Twin Peaks is not a remake (more of a comeback) but I hope it won’t be a disaster even if some of the actors will be the same. The same with Prison break (which I look forward to) I really hope they won’t be a mistake.

Honestly I’m getting bored with all these new TV shows. I don’t even know what they’re called because I don’t care. I prefer older or shows that have been on for several seasons. Unfortunately all the shows I’m watching are coming to an end (Person of interest and Bones). Game of thrones seems to be the only show worth watching but even that will end some day. Then the 4th season of BBC Sherlock coming of course. I’ve stopped watching The Blacklist because it wasn’t as exciting anymore and the story just got ridiculous. So nothing interesting is going on or coming up on TV. There’s no point of recommending anything since I won’t interest me. No House of cards, Better call Saul or any other of those because, well simply, I don’t care. I have a vision but my vision is different from yours so you better deal with it.



6 thoughts on “You have no vision

  1. Great post, and excellent use of the word “vision”. Most of the other responses to this post were about vision in terms of sight. This was a clever approach. I also agree with you. My vision is not the same as most people I know. They can turn on the TV and randomly select a channel and will be entertained for hours on end. Other people flock to the latest award winning film. Personally it is hard for me to get into movies regardless of the genre. Once again great post and keep blogging!


  2. I completely agree with you! I gave up watching TV a long time ago! I rarely sit in front of it anymore, except when my husband, and I watch a movie on the dvr, or we catch an old episode of House (House M.D. – Greg Laurie); we do love that show. I don’t think Hollywood has any new ideas. Just as music went through a “dead season” in the early and mid 2000s, I think tv and movies are doing the same right now. It’s so very frustrating; however, I suppose it’s really good for my sake, because it gives me a lot more time to write, think and read. 😉


    • PS. I thought it was really cool to come across your blog and see that your name is Mia and that we have several things in common… (1) our name (2) your bday is June 2…Mine is in early April, but due to being a premie, my original bday would have been somewhere around that date, too! (3) From your reference to childhood memories, it sounds like we may have grown up around the same time frame. … Wow. That’s really neat! 🙂 Nice to “meet” you.


    • I love House too 🙂 I watch online a lot of old TV shows and some new one’s. I hate those ads on TV so I save them on my DVR and watch them later so I can skip them.

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